Sometimes great things happen. This week has been a great thing. Starting on Sunday, my roommates and I watched all of the previous 6 Harry Potter movies. Whoa. I seriously love those girls so much and I'm so glad we're all staying here for winter! Rebecca would whisper every single spell before they said it on the movies. Seriously, she knew every spell. Jessica would tell us 10 minutes in advance, "Guys, this is my favorite line coming up. Wait for it..wait for it.." And Alyssa could never hear during the quiet parts and kept asking what everyone was saying..when there had been subtitles on the entire movie (we don't have the remote for our dvd player, so sometimes subtitles pop up, but we have no way to turn them off). All in all, it was such a great bonding experience for us, and a good way to build up the excitement for 11.19.10.
Last night was a good night. There are few things I love more than Harry Potter.
This article sorted BYU majors into Hogwarts houses, and English majors were in Ravenclaw, due to the fact that we are creative, intelligent and witty. Sounds about right. So I decided to dress in Ravenclaw colors for the movie. Luckily, Janelle and Ariel went to the theater to go stand in line and save seats at approximately 5:00 pm on Thursday, so by the time Devin, Becca, Jessica and I got there at 10:00, we had way good seats and were able to just sit around and chat for the next two hours, waiting for the movie to start. Oh. And see about 100000 BYU students at the theater.
We met up with Harry Potter, the man himself.
Needless to say, the movie was incredible. The funniest one of them all, as well as the scariest one. I definitely screamed/jumped a few times, but I laughed SO hard too! Seriously I love Ron. And Harry Potter. And Hermione. And Fred and George. And Sirius (I know he's not in this movie, but I love him still). And Dobby. And Hedwig. Whoa. I guess I just love everyone. And sometimes I hate that I'm a muggle.
But sometimes we pretend like we're magic. Wait no. We really are.
Luckily, I have an Asian roommate, so I brought a chopstick for a wand.
July 2011, here I come.