Sunday, June 19, 2011

drive my car

My dad and I go way back.
About twenty years, to be exact.
He played his guitar for me when I couldn't sleep.
We both like that Beatles song that says "beep beep."
He gives the best foot rubs that I've ever felt.
Sometimes his "I love you" texts make my heart melt.
I'm 90% sure he's in the CIA.
He could spout off random facts all day.
He's spiritually strong--he is my rock.
Happy Father's day, dad! I love you a lot.

Friday, June 17, 2011

good company

These guys are my new bffs. Bruce (black) and Snickers (brown). I love them. Sometimes I just go outside and hang out with them for a while. They're not mine, I'm just watching them for a friend for a couple months until she comes back. But I'm so glad I am. And I think i will be a little sad when I don't get to see them every day anymore.

p.s. If anyone can tell the difference between this post title and all the other ones before it, I'll take you out to lunch.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Father's Day is upon us. And lucky for me, I know some pretty awesome men who are fathers. For example, Trey Orsak.

(I got this picture from my sister's blog. It melts my heart.)

Three things I love about Trey.

One. His sense of humor. I love being with people who can make me laugh. I love being with Trey. His jokes can be a bit dry sometimes--you know the kind, where you can't tell if they're really joking or not--but those are my favorites. He kinda reminds me of Grandpa in that way.
Two. His kindness. Trey's super giving and very thoughtful. When he first started coming around our house for dinner, he was very cautious about which dinner roll he picked because he knew Lauren and I liked specific ones. We knew which rolls were the "good" ones, but Trey wasn't quite sure yet what our standard was. He didn't want to accidentally take what someone else wanted. I really admire how he's always putting other peoples' feelings before his own.
Three. How much he loves my sister and his boys. I love Trey's relationship with my sister. They love each other so much and I can tell. He's such a good father--always playing with, reading with and taking care of his kids every chance that he gets. That's the kind of family I want to have someday. Trey and Rachelle are really good examples to me and are always there to talk to whenever I need advice about boys.

I love you, Trey! I can't imagine a better brother-in-law than you. Happy Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

how do you do it?

The term is over. Weird. Those six weeks went by too too fast. This term started too soon after the semester and was over before I even got a chance to get into it. It was so so nice to go home for the break in between Winter and Spring. The end of Winter was pretty horrid. But I got through it. It was also so so nice to return to Hawaii and the splendid weather (minus the rain) that we've been having (especially compared to Utah weather). The end of this term was pretty horrid too. But I got through it with a little help from my friends (ahem. Ariel). What would we do without each other? Summer term starts next week. I'm looking forward to a few days of respite before I jump back into it. My schedule is super manageable and I'm moving into a new house, which should be exciting considering I've lived in this one for about nine months. I'm ready for a change.

Not much has been happening in my life lately--hence, my lack of blogging. I never take pictures, and I hate it when other people don't include pictures in their blog, so I hate it when I don't have pictures, but oh well. My life is pretty much consumed with school and hanging out around my house and the beach with lovely people like my roommates (who are both leaving within 24 hours) and Ariel. Ariel and I have been spending mucho time together lately. We were recently involved in the writing and filming of a future feature film together, along with our great friend Jordan. Kidding about the feature. Serious about the film. "Understanding Critical Theory." It is 30 min long, creative, funny, witty and educational. Designed as an introduction to the average BYUH student on the basics of critical theory. A hefty project consisting of 40+ hours of effort, but decidedly better than a research paper. We do way too many of those. So, Sassure? We got him. Jacques Derrida? We're basically on a first-name basis. Arbitrary nature of the sign? Know what that means. Deconstruction? I can do it in my sleep. Freud? Still alive and well in the English department. My acting skills? Incredible.

Basically, we're feeling pretty intelligent after this project. Ask me anything. I'm a genius.