*warning. if you press play on the above video, be prepared to have this song stuck in your head for the rest of the day. possibly multiple days.
My mom is the first person who sent me the original of this video. Which is actually pretty surprising because rarely do my parents know about things on the internet before I do. But anyway. My mom sent it to me and said that it reminded her a little of me. At first I was offended. But then I just accepted it. Because the fact of the matter is: I love cats. I love every kind of cat. And I may even extend that to every kind of animal. Except possibly sloths. I've never quite been able to connect with them. Sometimes people make fun of me because of how much I love things. Like animals. But so be it.
I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!
And here follows a lovely montage of a sweet kitty we "fostered" at our house for a few weeks this summer:
Cats are cute.